Deploying Disciples from Within Our Partner Churches By Brad Adrien

Since 2016 TIP International has been working in the field to train and deploy Disciplemakers.  As a small Great Commission Christian organization, we have the privilege of serving our Lord and being very close to witness as He moves to grow His people.  From vision casting to candidate interviews, from training Disciplemakers and watching them grow from Seedsowers, to Disciplemakers, to TIP Trainer, and ultimately to Changemaker staff at TIP see amazing transformations in knowledge, heart and spirit.   


As the newest member of the TIP staff, I haven’t had the opportunity to travel to the mission field yet, but the accounts I get from our leaders in the field are inspiring.  As Development Director, my work is focused in the US bringing visibility to our supporters of the work the Lord is doing in Asia and Africa.


I want to share one area of focus we have at TIP International: the development of our church programs and how this manifests as we deploy disciplemakers on the mission field.


Cooperation: Meeting and understanding individual church needs

Pastors are busy people!  Finding opportunities to share with church leadership in ways that help them meet their ministry goals is key to building relationships. Each church is different in the ways they serve.  This is wonderfully diverse.  Some churches have very mature giving programs but might be looking for the individual connection that the TIP International disciplemaker program delivers.  Other churches are sharing their buildings with churches from different cultures and naturally feel a connection to one of the countries where TIP has missions and training centers.


Tailoring a plan to meet individual and congregation desire to serve through contributions

After a period of sharing with a church and getting to know church leadership well, TIP International will work to develop a partnership for deploying disciples.  This involves prayer, identification of geographical region and focus, and type of contribution, which could be support of an individual pastor training and his discipleship making journey up to support for a group of pastors working to develop His Kingdom across an entire unreached region.


Sharing progress of the individual disciple growth journey

Once we kick off our plan, it is exciting to see the direct involvement from congregations who participate in the process.  Opportunities include going on medical and evangelical mission trips to following progress though quarterly church updates TIP provides to churches about how their missionaries are developing and the work they are doing.

This roadmap shows the training path (Training In Process, or TIP’s) Disciplemakers must complete ensuring focus on disciples making disciples. These trainings are held approximately every 3 months over a two-year rigorous scripture focused training course.

Sharing the Kingdom impact through growth by multiplication Disciple1, Disciple2

TIP’s ministry flow chart is indicative of the expectations TIP and our partner sponsoring churches have for growth of disciples beginning already in the first few training sessions.


It’s a blessing to support TIP International Disciplemakers and have the opportunity to work with so many different people and churches all seeking to build and further the Kingdom by reaching those unreached populations that may have never heard the Word. 


Thank you, Brad Adrien, Development Director, TIP International


            So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

            But I say, have they not heard? Yes indeed:

            “Their sound has gone out to all the earth,

            And their words to the ends of the world.”

            Romans 10:17-18

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