The essence of TIP can be simplified to just three words: INSPIRE, INFLUENCE & IMPACT


We desire to INSPIRE people with the gospel. Whether it is sharing with a person or teaching a person to share the gospel, we want to be obedient to Him in all ways.

We can provide practical teaching and application for sharing the Good News. This strategy is pliable in S. Asia, Africa, and around the world.

Various means of communication will be implemented so that the learned and unlearned person can hear, see and/or read about this free gift in their own language.


TIP International realizes the importance of investing in the empowerment of educating, exhorting and edifying present and future leaders. This will result in the development of fully-prepared people to impact their homes, villages, cities, states and country for its betterment today and tomorrow.

TIP will seek out competent and capable leaders (Paul’s) with a heart to teach and train men, women, boys and girls. These leaders raise up other leaders (Timothy’s) who will share what they have learned to others (Titus’).

We accomplish this through “training centers.” We currently have over 40 training centers (led by Paul’s) in S. Asia and Kenya. There are around 750 Timothy’s who are teaching and reaching another 750 Titus’. Their training last for nearly 2 years.

From this labor of love, we project about 1,500 new house churches by the end of 2023. We have found on average that every new house church plant sees 10+ people saved.


TIP International knows when the Word and world meet there is an impressive explosion. Light conquers darkness; the lost are found; the blind will see; the lame will walk; the dead are given new life; the physically dead will rise again.

Impact happens in every aspect of this life and the life to come. We are reminded of a day where the impossible becomes possible. There will be a time a great rejoicing and unrivaled worship of King Jesus. People from every tribe, tongue and nation will worship Him.

We want to contribute to the expansion of our Lord’s Kingdom for His glory, honor and praise.