International Partnerships and the Gospel Mission: Walking Hand-in-Hand for the Glory of the Lord

Some things just go together like peanut butter and jelly, bacon and eggs, Tom and Jerry, and the Cleveland Browns without an invite to the Super Bowl. BTW, I am a Browns fans. International partnerships in conjunction with spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ are essential in being obedient to the Great Commission.

Think on this: The Great Co (Christ Ordained) mission is centralized on the gospel. You cannot spell “gospel” without spelling “GO.” You cannot spell “good news” without spelling “GO.” You cannot spell “God” without spelling “GO.” You cannot even spell the location where Jesus died for you and me, “Golgotha,” without spelling “GO.” GOd’s mission for you and me is focused on the GOspel. We must GO! Saying no is not an option for the Children of the King (you and me).   

The first question asked of me is often, “Do I really need to GO overseas to share the GOspel?’ The answer is simply “No.” Why international partnerships? With over twenty years of experience in international work, I am convinced the local church benefits from international partnerships. I have seen first-hand how GOd has used pastors, lay leaders, youth, and medical professionals for the glory of the Lord. Where did these people come from? You guessed it…the local church.

Through international partnerships, the local church is strengthened physically and spiritually. Another question often asked by the mission trip participant(s), “Can what we did in Name That Country work in our local setting?” Yes! International partnerships can give the local church a renewed vision for their local community. Even other people within the church who would NEVER go on an international mission trip want to be engaged in what GOd is doing locally. It can be contagious for Christ!

Another benefit of international partnerships is a refocusing that happens post-mission trip…a heart for people we have overlooked in the past. GOd gives us eyes to see men, women, boys and girls who need Him. What can we do? Give them the GOspel! Within the local church structure, it may mean actively reaching men through servant ministries, breakfasts and other guy-like activities; women (of any age) reaching people through food, clothing, prayer, newborn and other possible outreaches. The kids can be reached through AWANA, Upward, after school programs and other GOspel-centered initiatives; even the youth can be reached through intentional OUTreach and INreach. No matter what your setting…we must GO with the GOspel!

Who can I partner with? There are numerous GOspel-centered organizations you can partner with. The International Mission Board (IMB) is a GREAT partner of Southern Baptist Churches. The organization I lead (TIP International) ALWAYS seeks the partnership, cooperation, and leadership of the IMB. We are so much better together than we are working in our own settings with our own agendas. It’s truly an iron sharpening iron cooperative.

Samaritan’s Purse does so much more than Christmas Boxes. Their reach is global. Their care (physically and spiritually) for others in times of disaster and tragedy is highly spoken reputable.   

I would encourage you to do a deep dive into other GOspel-based, international organizations. God may lead you to them.

Who truly benefits from the international partnerships? The Kingdom of God! Every nation, every tongue, and every tribe needs to hear the GOspel.

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report?” So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” Romans 10:14-17 NKJV).      

Will we be found faithful to GO in the power of GOd to share the GOspel?


For more information on international partnership:

International Mission Board 

TIP International (TIP)            

Samaritan’s Purse                   


International Commission     

(Note: This list is not exhaustive. There are more potential partners than these ministries listed above.)

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