New Beginnings

What a privilege to be led and called to a work so much greater than myself. To share the work with my wife, Sherri, is just like placing the cherry on top of a wonderful dessert. The i3 Project (TIP) seeks to impact men, women, boys and girls in India so that they can impact their families, friends, villages, cities, states and their country for eternity.

Is this a large task? Without a doubt! That's why it is so important for TIP to connect with other groups and agencies that are like-minded and are already serving the nation of India. We are so indebted to The Timothy Initiative (TTI) and their leader, Dr. David Nelms. Indigenous groups like VBAI and their leader, Dr. Pandu Maddala, are instrumental in impacting future leaders for India. The Bethel Hospital has opened it doors to promote complete wellness of the body and soul. Their purpose and vision is cool water on a hot day. The work of Our Father's Home Miinistry International has done so much in a short amount of time. Their impact is measurable and mighty! 

Then there are people just like you and I; common people with common lives. Can we make a difference half way around the world? YES, we can! How? Simply by GOING, GIVING & PRAYING. If we are honest with ourselves, we can do at least one of the three previously mentioned solutions. Personally, we have adopted a positive procedure for taking action on TIP principles: PRAY/PLAN/PROCEED. It has served us well. I am blessed to have wonderful team around/with me, which has a passion and drive to see a change in the lives of the people of India. Will you consider how you can support and come alongside TIP reaching India on person at a time?    

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